Saturday, August 30, 2008

Twilight and Babies

  Reading the last book in the Twilight series, I feel cheated. I just found out that Edward and Bella end up having a child. In fact, the whole forth book pertains to this baby fiasco. Life does not always have to lead to babies. I do not feel that you need children to have a fulfilling life. Edward and Bella were going to represent eternal love. Their love for each other was beautiful. Now they have to share that love with a child. Boo. 

  I just refuse to be pressured and persuaded into believing that life fulfillment comes in the form of procreation. I'm selfish. I'm plain. One love is satisfactory. In fact, I'm tempted to fix myself so that I can't be a hypocrite in the future. A simple matter really, easily taken care of in the form of tied tubes. I want more than just babies. I don't want to settle for the house with the white picket fence and 2.5 children. There is more to life than being an incubator, an oven, a tool. I want that life.


Kate said...

Boo. Hello again...

Kate said...

I'm very glad that you didn't give away the final 200 pages or so. I still haven't finished reading the book! And not in a critical sense, but out of interest in your interests and your thoughts, since you don't want the cliche life of the picket fence, 2.5 offspring, etc., what in life do you want? Would an endless, eternal love be sufficient? Or is there more? Curious what you have to say! :)