Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everything is much clearer in college. I knew what was expected of me and where I was going. I knew the final result: a college degree. It's funny how a world, a life, can be turned upside down so quickly. I have graduated college and now I do not know my purpose. In college, my purpose was to go to school and study hard. Now, I need to what? I no longer know my final result. It is frustrating. It is scary as hell, because I was one of the students who couldn't wait to finish school. I wanted to go already. I wanted to sprint my way into life. I didn't know what I was talking about. The starting gun has gone off, but I realize that life is not a sprint race after all. Life is about endurance and the long haul. So, I need to regroup and slow down. Life has a way of leading you to where you want to go, if you pay enough attention to the details. 

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